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Figyelmeztetés modhasználóknak
Minden 1.6.5 –ös mod kompatibilis az 1.6.6 verzióval is!

Modok biztonsági előírásai

Mielőtt telepítesz egy modot, jegyezd meg, hogy a Minecraft hivatalosan nem támogatja a modokat. Amikor a modok elavulnak, nem kapod vissza az elhasznált anyagaidat. Lesz később hivatalos modtámogatás, a Minecraft teljes forráskódját beleértve. [1]

Soha ne telepíts olyan modot, aminek a kompatibilitás-verziója nem teljesen azonos a Minecraft verzióddal (lásd Legkésőbbi kompatibilis verzió lejjebb). Akár egy kicsi frissítés is elronthatja a modot, és a mentéseid elveszhetnek. A modok fejlesztői megpróbálnak minél hamarrabb alkalmazkodni az új verziókhoz, de minden egyes frissítésnél lesz egy olyan időszak, amikor még nem lehet modokat használni.

Azok a modok, amik a létező tárgyak, blokkok vagy mobok viselkedését változtatják meg, elég biztonságosak; fel- és le is lehet őket telepíteni, amikor szeretnénk, anélkül, hogy elveszne a mentésünk. (Bár ha van olyan építményed, ami egy modon alapszik, valószínűleg nem működik mod nélkül). Ebbe a csoportba az új receptek is beletartoznak, amik nem használnak fel új blokkokat/tárgyakat.

Azokat a modokat, amik új tárgyakat, blokkokat, mobokat vezetnek be, nem biztonságos letörölni. Amikor elmentettél egy új tárgyat/blokkot/mobot a világodba, soha ne nyisd meg a mod nélkül, vagy elveszhet a mentés vagy összeomolhat a gép. (Ha le akarod törölni a modjaidat, inkább törld le a világodat is, vagy töröld ki az összes blokkot/tárgyat/mobot, amit a mod vezetett be. Használhatod az MCEdithez hasonló programokat és eltávolíthatod a blokkjaidat. Az összeomlott eszköztároknál használd az InvEditet) Megjegyzés: az 1.4_01 a modolt blokkokat és tárgyakat eltávolítja, ha megvan a tiszta telepítés. (Nem távolítja el a modolt dolgokat, ha egy ládába teszed őket). Ha a klienst frissíted, az is olyan, mintha letörölnéd a modot, kivéve, ha rögtön felteszed a mod frissített verzióját.

Azok a modok, amik megváltoztatják a darabkák mentési módját, a mentett világokat inkompatibilissé teszik a harmadik fél szoftverekkel, amiket nem arra tervezted, hogy ezekkel együtt működjenek (pl. térképrenderelő eszközök, mint a Cartograph G, ami a mentésfájlok elemzésén alapul, és így hoz eredményt.)

Lehet, hogy több mod nem működik együtt, főleg, ha ugyanazt a fájlt kell megváltoztatniuk.

Ha modot akarsz telepíteni, és részletesebb információ kell, lásd a Modok telepítése oldalt.


A kliensmodok a Minecraft Alpha vagy Beta programod változtatják meg. Nem saját kliensek, és a minecraft.jart meg kell változtatni. Csak egy indítóval működnek, és nem működnek, ha egy böngészőn keresztül játszod a Betát.

A kliensmodok leggyakrabb fajtája az esztétikus és/vagy funkcionális modok. Néhány kliensmod azonban új tartlmad visznek a játékba, és mások a játékhibákat küszöbölik ki. Néhány működik a többjátékos szerveren, de azok, amik új tartalmat hoznak, nem működnek.

Modok listája

Ez a lista csak olyan modokat tartalmaz, amik nem segítik a griefelést vagy csalást többjátékos módban.


Név Leírás Verzió Link Legkésőbbi kompatibilis játékverzió Kell-e ModLoader hozzá Fejlesztő
AudioMod A Minecraft hangrendszerét fejleszti, így hárommal több fájltípust engedélyez és saját zenét is be lehet rakni. 1.6.6 Fórum Nem Risugami
Block IDs+ Több blokk adatértéket ad a játékhoz. Már nem kell, mert az 1.4-es frissítésben beépítették az eredeti Minecraft-ba. - Fórum Nem shockah
ModLoader Egyféle modkezelő, ami a modok közötti konfliktusokat megszünteti. A modhasználók kibonthatják és megtanulhatják, hogy működnek vele a modok. 1.6.6 Fórum Nem tudni Risugami
ModOptionsAPI A mododnak egyszerű opciók kellenek, és nem akarod a Minecraft alkotófájljait megváltoztatni ehhez? Jó helyen vagy. v0.6.3 Fórum Igen Clintonxa
MyCraft Modkezelő Egy modkezelő egy ModLoader-hez hasonló programozási felülettel (API-val), ami akármelyik játékverzióval működik. Akármilyen modot betölt és rendezi őket. Beépített repülő modja is van. 2.1.1 Fórum


Alpha és afölött Nem XThexder and jli
Hangengedélyező mod Saját hangot tölthetsz be a játékba. v7 Fórum Nem epinull


Név Leírás Verzió Link Legkésőbbi kompatibilis játékverzió Kell-e hozzá ModLoader Fejlesztő
HD Textúrajavító Az alapértelmezett méretnél nagyobb tűz, víz, láva és iránytűgondokat kijavítja. Van "jobb fű" opció is(földblokk minden oldala fű lesz, ha érintkezik fűvel) 2.1.0_01 Fórum Nem Kahr
FüggőlegesVöröskő A vöröskőhuzalokat fel lehet futtatni a falra. 1.0 Weboldal Igen djoslin

Esztétikus és funkcionális modok

Név Leírás Verzió Link Legkésőbbi kompatibilis játékverzió Kell-e ModLoader hozzá Fejlesztő
AdventureCraft Az AdventureCraft a Minecraft teljes átalakítása, ami egy kalandjátékká varázsolja a játékot, a játékos nem tud blokkokat letenni és lerombolni. Építs egy csapdákkal teli világot. r774 Fórum Nem Cryect
BoatDrop A Boat Drop-pal a hajók 5 fadeszkát dobnak három deszka és két bot helyett. V1 Fórum Nem benben2365
CJB Modok Sok dologra hasznos tartalmat ad a játékhoz. v4.0.2 Fórum Igen cjbok
ConvenientInventory Jelentősen csökkenti az eszköztárban a mozgatáshoz és barkácsoláshoz szükséges kattintások számát. v1.5 Fórum Nem Evenprime
Creatures+ Adds more creatures to the game. v3.6 Fórum Igen veron101
Death Chest If you have a chest in your inventory when you die, it will be placed where you die, or in the closest available spot. The chest will be filled with as many items as possible. Any excess that won't fit in the chest will be dropped. 1.6.6 Fórum Nem Risugami
Dynamic Lights Adds "shiny" attribute to items, allowing handheld or thrown light sources. 1.6.6 Fórum Igen AtomicStryker
Enhanced Compass Mod (Unofficial) Allows you to make the compass point towards your spawn point, North, custom waypoints, or any combination. The needle color is customizable. Needs MCpatcher to work. 1.6.6 Fórum Nem Yoda12999
FiniteLiquid Provides a complete overhaul of the water physics engine to add more realism to minecraft. Pipes, pumps, tsunamis, and other features are included. 3.0 Weboldal Fórum Igen djoslin
Flat Bedrock Instead of a staggered bedrock layer the bedrock is all to layer 0 ? Fórum Igen grn_dog_72
Glass Drops This mod allows glass AND bookshelves to actually drop blocks! v1.1 Fórum Letöltés Nem jpond17/knut17
Half-Life 2 sounds Replaces most of the Minecraft sounds with high-quality sounds from Half-Life 2. Requires the Sound Mod Enabler.


v1 Fórum Nem Saebian
Inventory Tweaks Allows to sort your inventory, and replace any broken tools and emptied stacks by others from your inventory. Fully customizable, and works in both single and multiplayer. 1.05 Fórum Weboldal Igen Jimeowan
InstaMine InstaMine is a mod which lets you mine anything instantly v0.2 Fórum Nem DarkPiestro
LeafCraft Makes Leaves Craftable from four saplings and makes Glowstone also craftable from a cross of Redstone and Cobblestone V1 Letöltés Nem Mickeyjm
Material Detector Shows the surrounding environment with possibility to indicate the position of some specific materials like diamond or iron (or whatever you want). Useful to search and dig efficiently some rare materials. v1.14 Fórum Igen Ellian
MessiahAndrw's Minecraft Renderer Wrapper Custom full screen res, change 3D depth, anaglyph colours, NVidia 3D Vision, cross-eyed. Doesn't modify minecraft.jar. 2010-03-03 Fórum Nem MessiahAndrw
Minecraft Enhanced This mod is a merge of Better clouds, double view, and the lunar cycle/stars mod; it is also a skybox mod. It allows you to change things like fog depth, distance and height.

It also allows you to change the sky color, moon color. Turn on and off weather FX.

541 Fórum Igen cferrill1
Minecraft Resolutions Resize the window to 720p or 1080p for easy screencapping and can restore a user-defined size and window state on startup. 1.6.6 Fórum Nem nairol
Minimap Mod Shows a minimap in the corner of the screen with configurable waypoints and other options. Useful if you always get lost. v0.9.7d Fórum Igen Zaneris
(Mob) Spawner Gui This mod gives you the ability to mine and program mob spawners. 1.6.4 Fórum Igen Risugami
More Stackables Makes food and buckets stackable, but unusable when stacked. It also makes doors, signs, saddles, minecarts, and boats stackable. 1.6.4 Fórum Igen Risugami
Multi-use Doors Multi-use doors, double doors, half doors, shutters, fence gates and trapdoor tweaks. 1.6.6v2 Fórum Igen Evandela
Nature Overhaul Letöltés Nature Overhaul and experience a vibrant, dynamic nature system. v1.0.1 Fórum Igen Clintonxa
No-Peaceful Removes Peaceful mode. 0.3 Fórum Nem tht7
OptiFog This mod adds a lot of tweaking options for better looks and performance. Doubling the FPS is common.

Moves fog away, adds mipmaps, chunk loading control (mod CAF), Smooth FPS, brightness control, VSync and more. Latest version is combines with Optimine

V. 1.6.6 Fórum Nem sp614x
Raining Blood It's now raining blood! v1.1 Letöltés Nem danger_to_myself
Sign Tags Adds tags to signs - type [time] to show an in-game clock, [light] to show the light level where the sign is, and [x], [y], and/or [z] to show coordinates, based on the sign's position. [a|b] acts as an input option, where 'a' is shown when the sign is powered, and 'b' is shown otherwise. [biome], [temp], and [humid] tell you the biome, temperature, and humidity of where the sign was placed. 1.6.6 Fórum Nem Risugami
Single Player Commands This mod introduces commands to singleplayer! V2.9_1 Fórum Nem simo_415
Stacky Version 1.4-This mod lets you stack nearly all items to 64. Also makes it so zombies drop apples! (click Fórum link to learn more) v1.4 Fórum Letöltés Nem jpond17/knut17
World Letöltéser Clones parts of an MP world from a server to your SP folder. 1.6.6 Fórum Nem nairol
WorldEdit Incredibly powerful mod for editing worlds ING. REQUIRES SINGLE PLAYER COMMANDS. 4.4 Weboldal Nem sk89q
zOmBeH CREEPERS!!!! Make creepers not explode but still makes them hurt u like a zombie :D 1.0 Weboldal Nem Kippykip (HAP3E)
zombe's modpack Currently contains: "weather", "flying", "recipe", "cart", "wield", "compass", "build", "cloud", "growth", "item", "death", "path", "spawn", "sun", "safe", "craft", "boom", "ore", "teleport", "cheat", "resize", "furnace" and "dig". Each mod has its own uses. v4.27 Fórum Nem tanzanite (zombe)

Aesthetic and Functional

Name Description Version Link Latest Compatible Release Requires ModLoader Author
AdventureCraft AdventureCraft is a total conversion for Minecraft, which turns the game into a pure adventure mode in which players cannot place or destroy blocks.

You can build there an adventuremap which runs with triggers, spawn locations, triggered doors and more.

r605 Fórum Nem Cryect
Boat Drop Boat Drop makes boats drop 5 wood planks in place of 3 wood planks and 2 sticks. V1 Fórum Nem benben2365
Better Food Allows food to be stacked up to 32 in a stack, and usable in stacks of 4 or less. Also prevents you from eating food with full health, thus wasting it. N/A Fórum Nem seronis
CJB Mods Adds content that is helpful for multiple things. v4.0.2 Fórum Igen cjbok
ConvenientInventory Significantly reduces the amount of clicks and moves to move and craft items. v1.5 Fórum Nem Evenprime
Daylight Savings Allows you to position the sun and set its movement speed to values ranging from 0 to 500x (including 1/72x, which is Earth speed), through a GUI in the Options menu. Does not alter the Minecraft clock. There are no planned updates for this. 2011-4-5 Fórum Nem Pulseczar
Death Chest If you have a chest in your inventory when you die, it will be placed where you die, or in the closest available spot. The chest will be filled with as many items as possible. Any excess that won't fit in the chest will be dropped. 1.6.6 Fórum Nem Risugami
Dynamic Lights Adds "shiny" attribute to items, allowing handheld or thrown light sources. 1.6.6 Fórum Igen AtomicStryker
Enhanced Compass Mod (Unofficial) Allows you to make the compass point towards your spawn point, North, custom waypoints, or any combination. The needle color is customizable. Needs MCpatcher to work. 1.6.6 Fórum Nem Yoda12999
FiniteLiquid Provides a complete overhaul of the water physics engine to add more realism to minecraft. Pipes, pumps, tsunamis, and other features are included. 3.0 Weboldal Fórum Igen djoslin
Flat Bedrock Instead of a staggered bedrock layer the bedrock is all to layer 0 ? Fórum Igen grn_dog_72
Glass Drops This mod allows glass AND bookshelves to actually drop blocks! v1.1 Fórum Letöltés Nem jpond17/knut17
Glowing Ores With a choice of Six class files that give sets of block a small yet noticeable light factor. The choices being Ores, Stone & Dirt, Cloth (wools), Water, Trees, and brighter Redstone torches. 2.0 Fórum Igen Mexifelio
GLSL Shaders Adds a very nice effect to block rendering, adding curves and depth to everything. v1.5 Wiki Fórum Igen daxnitro
Grass Spawning This mod changes the default spawning from Sand to Grass. V1 Fórum Nem Zillionair1
Half-Life 2 sounds Replaces most of the Minecraft sounds with high-quality sounds from Half-Life 2. Requires the Sound Mod Enabler.


v1 Fórum Nem Saebian
Inside Out Mod This makes all the rare resources that are pretty uncommon like gold and diamond everywhere and everything else is pretty hard to find V2.0 Fórum Nem Runedog48
Inventory Tweaks Allows to sort your inventory, and replace any broken tools and emptied stacks by others from your inventory. Fully customizable, and works in both single and multiplayer. 1.05 Fórum Weboldal Igen Jimeowan
InstaMine InstaMine is a mod which lets you mine anything instantly v0.2 Fórum Nem DarkPiestro
LeafCraft Makes Leaves Craftable from four saplings and makes Glowstone also craftable from a cross of Redstone and Cobblestone V1 Letöltés Nem Mickeyjm
Material Detector Shows the surrounding environment with possibility to indicate the position of some specific materials like diamond or iron (or whatever you want). Useful to search and dig efficiently some rare materials. v1.14 Fórum Igen Ellian
MessiahAndrw's Minecraft Renderer Wrapper Custom full screen res, change 3D depth, anaglyph colours, NVidia 3D Vision, cross-eyed. Doesn't modify minecraft.jar. 2010-03-03 Fórum Nem MessiahAndrw
Minecart Mania! Makes Pressure Plates act like straight/intersection tracks. Adds booster and brake blocks, allowing easy manipulation of minecarts. 1.09c Fórum Nem Afforess
Minecraft Enhanced This mod is a merge of Better clouds, double view, and the lunar cycle/stars mod; it is also a skybox mod. It allows you to change things like fog depth, distance and height.

It also allows you to change the sky color, moon color. Turn on and off weather FX.

541 Forum Igen cferrill1
Minecraft Resolutions Resize the window to 720p or 1080p for easy screencapping and can restore a user-defined size and window state on startup. 1.6.6 Forum Nem nairol
MineRag ragdoll physics When completed, MineRag will allow for functioning ragdoll physics for all mob models. TNT will throw mobs into the air and water and lava will decrease their gravity. 2011-03-03 Forum Nem Crystal Legends Development
Minimap Mod Shows a minimap in the corner of the screen with configurable waypoints and other options. Useful if you always get lost. v0.9.7d Forum Igen Zaneris
Mining TNT TNT won't destroy the drops from blocks. v1.4_01 Forum Nem 303
(Mob) Spawner Gui This mod gives you the ability to mine and program mob spawners. 1.6.4 Forum Igen Risugami
More Stackables Makes food and buckets stackable, but unusable when stacked. It also makes doors, signs, saddles, minecarts, and boats stackable. 1.6.4 Forum Igen Risugami
MovePlus Adds more movement styles to the game. v1.5 Forum Igen Corosus
Multi-use Doors Multi-use doors, double doors, half doors, shutters, fence gates and trapdoor tweaks. 1.6.6v2 Forum Igen Evandela
Nature Overhaul Letöltés Nature Overhaul and experience a vibrant, dynamic nature system. v1.0.1 Forum Igen Clintonxa
No Big Trees This mod disables the spawning of Big Trees. N/A Forum Nem Zillionair1
No Lakes This mod disables the spawning of the small pond sized lakes. N/A Forum Nem Zillionair1
Optimine This mod improves FPS, especially for slower computers. Gains of 10FPS and more are common. v1.3 Forum Nem Scaevolus
OptiFog This mod adds a lot of tweaking options for better looks and performance. Doubling the FPS is common.

Moves fog away, adds mipmaps, chunk loading control (mod CAF), Smooth FPS, brightness control, VSync and more. Latest version is combines with Optimine

V. 1.6.6 Forum Nem sp614x
Popcorn Smelting Mod Brings back the ability to Smelt By throwing your ores into fire or lava! 1.1 Forum Nem Angry Beast
Pseudo Physics This mod is an attempt to simulate some physics in the minecraft world.. Reminder: Limited to source code v1.5_01a Forum Nem zalg
Raining Blood It's now raining blood! v1.1 Letöltés Nem danger_to_myself
Sign Tags Adds tags to signs - type [time] to show an in-game clock, [light] to show the light level where the sign is, and [x], [y], and/or [z] to show coordinates, based on the sign's position. [a|b] acts as an input option, where 'a' is shown when the sign is powered, and 'b' is shown otherwise. [biome], [temp], and [humid] tell you the biome, temperature, and humidity of where the sign was placed. 1.6.6 Forum Nem Risugami
Single Player Commands This mod introduces commands to singleplayer! V2.9_1 Forum Nem simo_415
Stacky Version 1.4-This mod lets you stack nearly all items to 64. Also makes it so zombies drop apples! (click Forum link to learn more) v1.4 Forum Letöltés Nem jpond17/knut17
Terrain Tweaker SMP Mod Previously the "Subterranean SMP Mod", seen here. The mod tweaks the settings in the terrain generator allowing for things like mostly flooded worlds, having the Nether blocks mineable in the real world, Muddy swamps etc. Achieved via some simple additions to your server.properties file. v2.1 Forum Nem Wickity
Tiiiimberrrrr! Originally made by Ayu, this mod allows you to quickly cut down trees with a golden axe! 1.1 Forum Nem Angry Beast
Tool Repair Uses crafting grids to repair tools and armour. 1.0 Forum Igen seronis
TreeDrops Allows trees to drop a variety of things, from sticks, leaf blocks, to saplings and apples. Also it has been merged with TreeDecay to allow tree leaves unconnected to trees to decay as expected. 1.2 Forum Nem Ayutashi
Uncompressed Worlds This mod doesn't compress Worlds to allow for faster world saving/loading. N/A Forum Nem Zillionair1
Water Washes out Reeds Made by request for xXDmanXNZXx, primarily used for automatic crop harvesters. 1.0 Forum Nem Angry Beast
World Letöltéser Clones parts of an MP world from a server to your SP folder. 1.6.6 Forum Nem nairol
WorldEdit Incredibly powerful mod for editing worlds ING. REQUIRES SINGLE PLAYER COMMANDS. 4.4 Weboldal Nem sk89q
zombe's modpack Currently contains: "weather", "flying", "recipe", "cart", "wield", "compass", "build", "cloud", "growth", "item", "death", "path", "spawn", "sun", "safe", "craft", "boom", "ore", "teleport", "cheat", "resize", "furnace" and "dig". Each mod has its own uses. v4.27 Forum Nem tanzanite (zombe)

New Content

Any mods that add new blocks or items will have new Data Values, which can be found on the Mods/Data values page.

Name Description Version Link Latest Compatible Release Requires ModLoader Author
303's Arrows Includes and extends Elemental Arrows. Adds these types of arrows: dirt, torch, slime, egg, explosive, fire, ice, laser, mob, warp, grass and confusion. 1.5_01 Forum Igen 303
Aether Collaboration This mod adds a new world called the Aether by combining a map generator and a mod. V 0.0 Forum Igen KingBDogz, Kodaichi and Shockah
Airship This mod adds balloons and airships. v3 Forum Igen Pchan
Bacon Craft This mod adds bacon, steak, beef, knife, bowl of water, soup and more! 1.5 Forum Igen DarkTwisterr
AssassinCraft This mod adds Daggers, Hidden Blades and other Assassin's Creed Themed items. 0.9_01 Forum Igen 10DARK01, VeteranCookie, Roflnoob, Alx101, Dann494
BaitBox This mod adds a bait box which can be used to trap non-hostile mobs, making it easier to collect their drops. v1.0 Forum Igen DJoslin
Balkon's Weapon Mod Throw a spear in a zombie's head! Cut a skeleton in half with your brand new halberd! Shoot some slimes in

pieces with an old musket! And more!

v4.3 Forum Igen BalkondeurAlpha
Baseball Bats This mod adds baseball bats to the game and lets face it, who hasn't wanted to club a creeper over the head V 2.1, Forum Igen Nerd_Geek_DC
Beekeeping This mod adds all you need to be a bee keeper and more. It includes: a bee keeper helmet, beehive box, comb presser, incubator, bee swarms, honey, honey pork, candles, and chandeliers. v1.3 Forum Igen Nandonalt
Better Than Wolves This mod adds many new functions to the game, including powered light blocks, pressure plates only activated by the player, pourable cement that turns into stone, a way to cook food (but only food) without wasting any fuel, mechanical power systems, and much more! 2.59 Forum Igen FlowerChild
BiomePack This mod makes some blocks look different from one biome to another like grass and leaves. v1.0 Forum Igen Nandonalt
BoziliumCraft (easyCraft) This mod makes minecraft a lot easier v1.1.1 Forum Nem DylanReimerink
Bug Mobs This mod adds insects to the game. Currently there are 11 insects, bees, flies, ladybugs, queen bees, wasps, grasshoppers, beetles, Nether bugs, caterpillars, Japanese Giant hornets and botflies. It adds more atmosphere to the game. V6.1 Forum Igen Cylly1512
Build Craft Adds pipes to the game which for example can transfer coal from one chest in the lower slot of a furnace and iron from another chest in the top it comes with four types of pipes. It also adds The Miner and the Quarry which drill downwards for resources (powered by redstone or right clicks) [Works with industrial craft] Forum Igen SpaceToad
Builders mod This mod will add 9 new human builder mobs to minecraft. These mobs will build all over your world, by placing blocks and building structures. Backup your saves before use. Currently, for unknown reasons, the mod may occasionally freeze your game. v0.54 Forum Igen OgreSean
Butterflies Butterflies! That's right; you can now liven up your minecraft world with an array of butterflies, each with a unique spawning spot. And if the amazing atmosphere they add isn't enough, you can also catch them with a net, and when you let them free again, they'll follow you around, and sometimes even feel friendly enough to land on your head! Isn't that cool? v1.3 Forum Igen Gnatpat
CannonPowder Cannon powder works exactly like tnt, except it doesn't remove blocks or damage entities. It's used to push things. I also hooked up the dispenser to spit out live TNT / CannonPowder instead of just the item. 1 Weboldal Igen djoslin
CamelOre This mod incorporates new ores, tools, weapons, armor, mobs, etc. in Minecraft to enhance game play. 2.4 Forum Nem Camelfox
CCTV Block This adds camera and monitor blocks to minecraft v0.1 Forum Igen UltraMoogleMan
CCTV Block (Unofficial) This adds camera and monitor blocks to minecraft. Since this mod was abandoned another programmer has taken it up. v0.1 Forum Igen Keavator
ControllerBlock Adds a controller block that can be used for floodgates and bridges. When a controller block is powered, it creates blocks in predefined places. Videos in Forum. 1.2.4 Forum Igen JStar (originally Sunrise_78)
Coral Reef Mod This adds some 6 plants and 2 blocks under the sea. With the coral you can decorate or make dyes. This mod is more enjoyable if you use Roundaround's CrystalClearWaters mod for better visibility. v2.03 Forum Igen Nandonalt
Elemental Arrows Adds fire, ice, and explosive arrows, and a gag weapon, egg arrows, along with the unstoppable homing bow. 1.6.6 Forum Igen Risugami
Elemental Bows (Previously Fire Bow) Provides an alternative to Elemental Arrows. Craft different bows instead of arrows. Still in development. v4.0 Forum Igen pokepal101(MC)
Elevator This mod allows you to create an elevator that will take you both up and down vast distances quickly. v1.1 Forum Igen Exanadu
Explosive Tipped Crowbar This special tool harvests any block instantly. This comes in handy for building large structures out of obsidian. It never wears out and can also be used as a weapon. 1.6.6 Crafting Recipe


Igen The Lightning Stalker
Extended 2x2 Crafting Grid Makes many more things available for 2x2 crafting. 0.4.03 Forum Igen yofreke / GreyAcumen
FancyPack Furniture and Decorations Pack Adds a wide variety of furniture, decorations and other items for interior decoration. v3.5 Forum Igen ChocolateySyrup
Farmcraft This mod replaces the four original Minecraft animals with tamable versions. It also allows you to plant mushrooms, pumpkins and flowers. v1.1 Forum Igen DrZhark
Fireworks This mod adds a fireworks-launcher to the game, powerable by redstone. You can create your own fireworks (outside of the game). -- Forum Igen Mysticyx
FlashShelter Mod Allows you to craft a mobile instant shelter. 2.0 Forum Igen Suudsu
GemstoneCraft Gemstonecraft is a basic mod that adds new jewels to the game, along with crows and enchanted swords. v0.3 Forum Igen Nimahu
GlassLight The glass light is a simple mod. It's a block that lights up on redstone trigger. You can also light it by right clicking it.

I'm sure this has been done before, but I couldn't find something similar when I went searching. I wanted it for a long time, so I made it.

v1 [1] Igen djoslin
Grappling Hook A deliciously imbalanced multi-purpose device. It launches a straight-flying hook. 1.5_01 Forum Igen 303
Golems Includes 24 Golems who drop items and Blocks of their element. 1.6.6 Forum Igen Seatooth
HiddenDoors This adds eight "hidden" doors that take on the texture of what they were created with. v1.3 Forum Igen TehKrush
Homiestone BECOME A HOMIE WITH THIS MINECRAFT HOMIE MOD! This mod originally only out to the creator and xXSlyFoxHoundXx is now released to the public with 4 new and powerful tools and a new ore. v1.5.1 Forum Igen coal miner
Hot Air Balloons This mod adds Hot Air Balloons. v1.15 Forum Igen CsprBzmr
HumanGangsters Adds Gangsters Into Minecraft V.5 Forum Nem TheJukecast
Humans+ Adds several human and humanoid NPCs — some friendly and some hostile. v2.2 Forum Igen Mr. okushama
Ice Maker This mod finally gives you the ability to make ice by giving you an ice maker. v1.0 Forum Igen Nandonalt
IndustrialCraft Adds more than 100 items ranging from batteries to water mills! V7.16 Forum Igen Alblaka
Light Sensor Adds a light-sensing block as a new redstone input. 1.6.4 Forum Igen Risugami
Magic Chest The Magic Chest is an intelligent chest, which can do many things to provide you with comfort! v0.8 Forum Igen Areo 96
Millénaire Adds in villages to the game, based on medieval Normandy. You can trade with the villagers, and help them expand the village. Also includes tools, armor, and food. 0.6.5 Forum Wiki Igen Kinneken
MineColony Adds workers to help you mine, farm, chop wood and deliver the goods. dfu's fork of the source code (available at github) is more compatible with other mods. 0.41b Description Forum Igen lacozzini, dfu
MotionDetector The motion detector is a multipurpose redstone output. You can use it to trigger automatic doors, traps, lights, just about anything. 2.9 Weboldal Igen djoslin
Mo' Creatures This Mod adds more creatures to the game. Currently it has the following creatures: Sharks, Werewolves, Lions, Bears, Wolves, Polar Bears, Wraiths, Flame Wraiths, Ogres, Fire Ogres, Cave Ogres, Ducks, Boars, Bunnies, Foxes, 6 types of Birds, 6 types of Dolphins 8 types of Horses and NEW 10 types of Fish! 2.9 Forum Igen DrZhark
Mo' Foodz This modification adds more fruits, vegetables, drinks, and baking items into Minecraft. v1.5 Forum Igen PROWNE & TLitten
MoreCreeps & Weirdos This Mod adds many new mobs including weird creatures, Aliens, new NPCs, etc. v1.99 Forum Igen freakstritch
MoreFlowers Adds 7 new flowers to the game to liven up your map.

The flowers include Blue Hydrangeas*, Poinsettias*, Daisies*, Ginseng*, Lavenders*, Vanilla and Hibiscus*. Sprites for the hydrangeas, poinsettias, daisies and hibiscus are taken from the Painterly Pack.

v1.2_2 Forum Igen TehKrush
More Stairs This mod allows you to craft stairs out of most materials. v4.0 Forum Igen Exanadu
More Tools! - Lava Epic New Lava Tools! v1.1 Forum Igen GGGCCC
More Trees This mod adds new types of trees: palm/banana, sequoia, cherry blossom, apple, and eucalyptus. It also adds vines, bananas, banana cake, and topiary blocks. v2.2 Forum Igen Nandonalt
Necrocraft Summon the undead to do your bidding! M 1.6/ S 1.0 Forum Igen thePalindrome
NetherCraft This mod adds to the Nether and makes it self-sustainable. It adds many mobs, plants, ores, and items all to the Nether so you never have to go back to earth. v1.8 Forum Igen Scokeev9
Nummy Noms This mod adds more food to the game; besides food it incorporates a few fixes: Snowballs and Eggs stack at 64 instead of 16, and Redstone is a fuel source for furnaces that burn at the same rate as coal. v3 Weboldal Forum Igen Kyle_Crafty
Obsidi+ adds telepresence, jump pads, conveyors, mob traps and other gadgets. 1.9 Forum Weboldal Igen Dudearent006
OreRedistribution Minecraft currently distributes ores such as coal, gold, diamond, iron, etc. in a random but predictable pattern. There's always a certain chance of getting each ore no matter how far from spawn you have traveled. In the real world, locations become way more valuable if they are rich in resources. I've programmed a way for minecraft to spread out the ores according to a perlin noise function. v1 Weboldal Igen djoslin
Pistons Pistons can be extended and retracted with redstone. These will late be included in the vanilla [2] Unknown Forum Igen Hippoplatimus
Planes Adds a lot of new items, some new blocks, 6 different planes and anti-aircraft guns. Some planes can fire machine guns and drop bombs. For SSP and SMP. 1.6.6v13 Forum Igen jamioflan
PlasmaCraft Liquids! Acid! Danger! adds 4 more ores and liquids including liquid obsidium (not obsidian) v0.1.8 Forum Igen UltraMoogleMan
PlasticCraft PlasticCraft, adds a variety of new Plastic items to the game, such as Water Bottles, Microwaves. v2.0.4 Forum Igen TehKrush
Portable Workbench Craft it, and right click while it's in your hand, and you'll open a 3x3 crafting window. Much better than carrying around workbenches. r13 Forum Igen TehKrush
Portal Gun Adds many items from the popular game Portal, and Portal 2, by Valve. v1 Forum Igen iChun
Pitfall It's pretty self-descriptive really. The block can be placed in the air and will not fall until redstone lights it up. v1 Weboldal Igen djoslin
PrefixSkeletons Adds skeletons that use 303’s custom arrows including fire, ice and explosive arrows. 1.5_01 Forum Igen 303
Quintessential Creatures This Mod adds new creatures to the game. Currently it has the following creatures: Turtle, Troll. 1.3.3 Forum Igen Firehazurd/DrZhark
Quick Start Basically makes all the essential and common blocks super easy to mine v1.0 Forum Igen Stormio100
Redstone Block Just a Redstone Block. Can be used to "store redstone" by crafting it like other refined blocks and uncrafting it later. It pulses constantly, like when you hit redstone ore, and it gives off a little bit of light. r3 Forum Igen TehKrush
Rope The rope was created for all those times you wanted to rappel down a large cliff or cave. The rope must be attached to a solid block on top. Any rope blocks placed directly next to other rope blocks will be added to the bottom of the rope. v1 Weboldal Igen djoslin
Runester This mod adds runescape and terraria ores to the game. v1.1 Forum Igen rockymc
Scuba Diving Mod This mod makes it possible to go scuba diving so you can see squid up close and explore Nandonalt’s Coral Reefs. It adds a scuba helmet, scuba tank, and air compressor. v1.1 Forum Igen Nandonalt
SDK's Guns (+ATV), Grappling Hook and Utilities [v1] Adds 12 different types of guns, 5 grenades, several new blocks, and a bunch of different utilities. v3 Forum Igen ScottyDoesKnow
Sponge Mod This mod adds 3 types of sponge that absorb water and lava making the nether and under the ocean a much easier place to live. v2.1 Forum Igen Exanadu
Steamcraft A standalone mod that adds new items, blocks and features, as well as modifying some current ones. Mostly, this content follows a steampunk theme. Still in development. v0.2 Forum Igen Proloe
Stilts This mod adds stilts that let you walk over blocks without jumping. v1.0 Forum Igen Nandonalt
Sushi Craft! This mod adds craftable, edible sushi into minecraft, all which heal different amounts of health. Also includes growing seaweed and rice. V 2.0 Forum Weboldal Igen Angry Beast
Telescope This mod adds a telescope that allows you to get your eyes a little closer to the beauty. Zooms in when right-clicked. v1.0 Forum Igen DJoslin
Terradura Terradura is a new ore that is rarer than diamond and found between the layers of bedrock. It also adds tools, armor, and a "Window" V1.0 Forum Nem benben2365
Tiered Flint Tiered Flint makes flint drop from gravel much more frequently based on what type of shovel you are using. r3 Forum Igen TehKrush
Toggle Blocks A mod which allows to place blocks which appear and disappear depending if the toggle block is on or off state. v2.0 Forum Igen TheApathetic
TooManyItems TooManyItems is an inventory editor mod that allows you to edit your inventory in-game. It has a nice graphical interface, and allows items/blocks from mods too. v1.6.6 Forum Igen Marglyph
Torches Anywhere This mod allows you to place Torches on any surface, including glass. r5 Forum Nem TehKrush
TNT Remote Adds a remote for TNT and redstone V1.0 Forum Igen wurstknifte
Transmitter The Long-Distance Transmitter transfers a redstone signal wirelessly up to 75 blocks. I've thought of several uses for this mod, including checking the status of your mob traps, routing a minecart from a station to the correct destination, sending an SOS signal, etc. V1.0 Forum Igen djoslin
Turret / Cannon The turret was created for all those times you wanted a mounted gun at your base. Instead of relying on static short-shooting dispensers, you have complete control over the aim. This mod also comes with three types of cannonballs. V1.0 Forum Igen djoslin
UltimateFist This mod will add a completely new tool that can obliterate ANY block / item almost instantly. It lasts almost forever and is used for those who want to build faster. Originally by IWannaWin, Zaraza107 here. Made up to date by Madaraz. V4.2 Forum Nem Madaraz
Wall Clock This mod finally adds a decorative and useful wall clock. v1.0 Forum Igen Nandonalt
WhiteGold adds a new ore that is about as rare as diamond but is more durable(5000 uses), more efficient(rapid mining), and more buildable(stairs and half blocks) ? Forum Igen Mystery2011
wurstkniftes Bookmod Adds read- and writeable books and bookshelves for them V1.5 Forum Igen wurstknifte
Wolves Extended Tired of the same generic wolf all the time? Then, get this, a (most)major overhaul of wolves! V1.6 Forum Igen Nandonalt
Xore New block that allows users to see through walls (such as a wire frame texture pack) and also provides as much light as glowstone. V1.1 Forum Nem benben2365
You Are the Creeper Become a creeper...explode...kill steve. SSSSSSSsssssssss.......BOOM!!!! v0.57 Forum Igen Rotten194
Zombiecraft Includes a new Launcher and with this mod you can kill Nazi zombies! 2.1 Forum Nem Kevin
redstone tools and more adds redstonetools to the game! and more! 1.4 Forum Igen bor295
The cookie monster Adds the cookie monster to the game 1.0 Weboldal Igen Kippykip (HAP3E)
Mo'Swords Adds more swords and items like ores and food to the game 1.2 Forum Igen TDRL, Sub_Spartacus

Language Packs

Name Description Version Link Latest Compatible Release Requires ModLoader Author
German Language Pack German Translation of Minecraft 2.0.0 Forum Nem Spyx
Norwegian Language Pack Norwegian translation of Minecraft, remember to delete metainf folder. 1.1.0 Weboldal Nem Swoy
Hungarian Language Pack Hungarian translation of Minecraft, put it into minecraft.jar. 1.1.0 Letöltés Nem Zut2012

Server Mods

Server Mods are modifications to the official Minecraft server software. They generally fall into two broad categories: management and gameplay.

Management mods are commonly designed to make administration of servers easier by implementing tiered privileges for commands (such as kicking, banning etc.). They are frequently implemented as "wrappers" which do not actually modify the main server .jar file, instead monitoring its output and sending commands to it.

Gameplay mods are modifications to actual game mechanics, such as restricting the placement of blocks commonly abused by Griefers (e.g. lava, TNT), fixing bugs in the server (e.g. making furnaces function before the update of 10th of September 2010) or adding new gameplay features.

Mod List

This is a list of wrappers and modifications.

Beta Server Modifications

Name Description Version Forum Link Latest Compatible Release
  • Plugin System
  • Efficient
  • Security updates to server
  • Multiworld support
RB 818 Homepage
Canary Mod

Administration plugin based on hMod. (hMod v2)

  • Plugin System
  • Simple and Efficient
b6 Homepage

Adds magic to minecraft by using runes that can manipulate the world. Bukkit Compatible

  • Teleporters
  • Way points with IDs through different blocks
  • Weapon enchantments (also through runes)
  • Secret Passageways
  • Full list
2.6 Forum
LeafCraft SMP

Makes Leaves Craftable from four saplings and makes Glowstone also craftable from a 2x2 cross of Redstone and Cobblestone

V1 Letöltés
MC Kingdom

MC Kingdom is a town creation and management mod that also organizes player groups, warfare, stock/demand economy and town protection. Works with ModLoader

  • Grouping System
  • Easy to use GUI windows
0.1.1 Weboldal

iZone is a server mod that allows an admin to allocate zones, similar to lots, which can be assigned to players. These zones have "flags" added to them. These flags include:

  • Protection
  • Monster
  • Welcome
  • Farewell
  • Heal
  • PvP
  • Creeper
  • Animal
  • TnT
  • Fire
  • Restriction
  • Lightning
  • Snow
  • Drain
v6.3 Forum+Letöltés

Beta Server Wrappers

There is a full list of server wrappers at the Server Wrapper page

Name Description Version Forum Link
SimpleServer Wrapper Features:
  • Integrates simply with Server Mods (such as Bukkit)
  • Anti-Grief Block Firewall (List of blocks that are not able to be placed by a certain rank of user)
  • Automated Backups and Saves
  • Automated Restarting
  • Guest System, with Destroy Protection
  • Locked Chests, with Destroy Protection
  • Warp to Player, Warp to Me, and Teleport player-to-player
  • IP Based Ranks
  • Ranks (guest, builder, op, admin)
  • Kits with Rank Permissions
  • Bans by Name, IP Address, and IP Ranges
  • Kicking
  • Give Item command based on Rank
  • Whitelist
  • MOTD/Rules
8.1.3 (Beta 1.6.6) Forum thread
Topaz's Minecraft SMP Toolkit enhances the vanilla Minecraft server by providing some useful scripts and in-game commands. Features:
  • Teleportation
  • List online users
  • Waypoints
  • User item creation (similar to creative server)
  • Require payment to use commands
  • Timed Snapshots for server backup
  • Message of the day
  • IRC chat bridge
2011-02-1 Forum thread

Alpha Server Wrappers

Name Description Version Forum Link
Czahrien's Server Wrapper

(Recently adopted by KinoftheFlames)

Administration plugin for Alpha SMP. Features:
  • Administrator levels, player privileges.
  • Summon command (toggle-able - works like built-in /give, but also supports kits)
  • Points system
  • Full list
6.0 Forum
Flippeh's Server Wrapper Administration plugin for Alpha SMP. Features:
  • Lite administrators (access only to kick/ban and giving items)
  • Multi-user teleports (/tp user1, user2, user destinationuser)
  • Votekick
  • Full list
r39 Forum
MCAdmin Administration plugin for Alpha SMP. Features:
  • Player Ranks and Permissions
  • GUI
  • Automatic Updates
  • Full list

This mod at one time featured a back-door that allowed the developers to bypass the whitelist, bans and possibly any server command available. After an episode of abuse of this back-door by a developer went public, the code was quickly made open source and all back-doors removed. [2] [3]

r109 Forum
Zicore's Administration Plugin (ZMA) Administration plugin for Alpha SMP. Features: v3.3.111.11030 Forum

IRC Plugin

Alpha Server Modifications

Name Description Version Forum Link
hMod Administration plugin for Alpha Minecraft b133 Forum
Llamacraft General features and bug fixes:
  • Fixed buckets (fixed furnaces before update fixed them)
  • Nerfed lava and TNT
  • Coloured names
  • Full list
3.6 Forum
Minecart Mania!
  • Boosted minecart tracks
  • Brakes on tracks
  • Minecart launchers/catchers
  • Minecart dispensers
  • Makes Pressure Plates act like straight/intersection tracks
  • Timer for launchers/catchers
  • Kill timer for Minecarts
2.1 Forum

